Joe Landry - Youth Sculpture Park (Greenfield Center School)

Four Rivers Public Charter School

Chris Sanborn’s art class at the Greenfield Center School in Greenfield, Mass produced 7 music related sculptures out of wire, zip ties, screening, concrete and paint. The process started with a brief introduction as to where the finished sculptures would be placed, how they would be made, followed by the selection of a theme. Chris’s students produced drawings, and the construction began. On day one, the sculptures were made followed by a day of painting. Both spring days were sunny and warm and perfect for producing sculptures. In the morning of the sculpture forming day each group used metal cutters, pliers and hammers to form the armature, followed by covering them with screen. The afternoon was devoted to covering the armatures with concrete and clean up. A week later Chris guided the students through the painting process. The sculptures were formed and painted by 2 or 3 student groups. Guiding the process were four 3D collaborative folks, Chris and 5 volunteers. Chris was the only painting guide.